Small Building Fire in Green Valley
By Lieutenant Matthew Thews
February 14, 2013

On Thursday February 14th at 1730 hours Box 25-11 was sounded for the building fire in the 11900 block of Clayton Court in Green Valley. RE153(Lt. Thews) and CAPT-15(Lawson) responded on the initial dispatch with 4 volunteers. ET254 arrived on scene to find a single story storage building with smoke from the eaves and established the "Clayton Court Command." ET254 laid out from the end of the driveway and pulled an attack line. Command requested the Rapid Intervention Dispatch and Tanker Task Force. A259 was used for suppression operations, so A158(FF Stearn) was dispatched and responded with 2 volunteers. CAPT15 arrived and assumed the command. RE153 was dispatched as third due, but arrived and assumed the second due position. RE153's crew assisted with opening up, throwing ground ladders, and began ventilating. RE153's driver secured ET254's water supply and set up for tanker shuttle operations. The fire was found in the attic and wall areas knocked down by crews very quickly. Command scaled back the box within fifteen minutes and held companies 25 and 15 to complete overhaul. Units picked up and were in service within an hour.

Units: RE153, A158, CAPT-15, ET254, A259
Mutual Aid: 1st: CCE12, PE713, CCR1, TWR23, TWR735, CCT1, ET233, T709, BAT902, SFT901 RID: PE709, RE171, CCM18 Tanker TF: HCE41, T17, HCET44, T717, ET34, T1