New Market Volunteers Continue Aluminum Can Fundraiser
By Fire Chief Benjamin Nalborczyk
March 28, 2018

You ever thought of what to do with all those aluminum cans besides filling up the landfill? New Market District Volunteer Fire Company has the answer in our request for continued support of our Aluminum Can Fundraiser. We ask that you please donate your aluminum cans to our aluminum can trailer located at Food Lion of New Market. Each trailer full of cans is taking to a recycling center and the funds raised continue to support our department in the many improvement projects we constantly have going. Cans may be bagged or boxed. Please load the cans in the top or near the stairs. Thanks again for your continued support to the New Market District Volunteer Fire Company and a huge Thanks to Food Lion of New Market for allowing us to utilize the space in which the trailer is parked.

Aluminum cans only please! No steel cans accepted.

Units: CAN15