New Market Volunteers Perform Another Water Rescue
By Firefighter/EMT Matthew Thews
June 5, 2016

On Saturday June 5th at 0655 hours units were alerted for a swift water rescue on the Monocacy River in the area of Monocacy Ford Road. The incident was reported to be a canoe overturned and a victim in the water. Utility and Boat 15 were alerted to respond to replace failed units. U15 & BT15 (Lt. Williamson) responded immediately with 3 swift water technicians. Units arrived on the scene to find a single victim that was stranded on an island in the middle of the river. Boat 15 was launched and ferried the victim and his boat back to shore. No medical assistance was needed by the victim and all units returned to service a short time later.

Units: U15 BT15
Mutual Aid: A28 A39 A18 M1 E23 E111 RS24 Q11 BT16 ATR1 TRPR3 BAT902 SFT901 EMS901 BAT1